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Back at the Academy




I wanted to draw this ever since the 'Wonderbolt Academy' episode. Don't know why I never got to it. It happens a lot of time with me.^^''''

I originally didn't intended to make it look like an old photo, it's just somehow happened. Don't know if I should regret it or not.

After I finished it, just realized that I should have given them a different mane style, to somehow show it happened years ago. Well, somehow Spitfire looks more like a teenager, so I think it's okay.

Characters and MLP:FiM (c) Lauren Faust, Hasbro
Spitfire's CM vector (c) :iconpirill-poveniy:
Grass and pastel brush (c) :iconiceytina:
Artwork (c) me
No stealing. Thank you.
Image size
1600x1200px 3.01 MB
© 2013 - 2024 InuHoshi-to-DarkPen
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